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35 posts tagged with "Scripted"

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Stream conversation transcripts

When you go into the Conversations view, you can now see new messages appear just a few seconds after they happen, without having to refresh the page. If you’re in a conversation that’s currently happening, you can click the New messages notification to scroll down to the newest messages.

For more information, check out our Help Docs:

It's easier to choose a speaking voice

We've made it easier to select a speaking voice for your Voice generative AI Agent or scripted bot!

  • We've given friendlier names to the speaking voices available in Ada (e.g., Myra, Markus, Paola)
  • We've also added a descriptor that appears beside the voice name that describes the character of the speaking voice (e.g., Mature, Confident, Friendly, Relaxed)

For more information, check out our Help Docs:

Create global keys to use with all of your Ada APIs

Until now, if you've used multiple Ada APIs, you've had to create and manage different keys for each one. Now, you have the option to create one or more global keys that work across all of Ada's current and future platform APIs.

All of your existing API-specific keys will continue to work, and will still be specific to the APIs they were originally generated for. They'll be marked as legacy keys in your dashboard, so you can tell them apart from your global keys.

For more information, see Authorize API integrations in our Developer Docs.

Callers can select their language from a menu

You can now choose to begin all of your phone calls with a menu that allows callers to select one of your enabled languages. If you turn this on, this menu will be served to all callers before the Greeting.

For more information, check out our Help Docs:

New, highly realistic speaking voices now available for voice AI Agents and bots

We're excited to announce that you can now choose from a selection of speaking voices provided by ElevenLabs in your voice AI Agent or bot. These are our highest-quality speaking voices yet, providing a human-like experience for your callers.

We will no longer be offering speaking voices from OpenAI.

For more information:

Engage with your customers in their preferred language

Beginning today, all Ada customers are now able to support multiple languages with the same AI Agent or bot. If you didn’t previously have access to this feature, this means that your generative AI Agent or your scripted bot is now able to have conversations in non-English languages.

To get started, visit our multilingual Help Docs:

Multilingual voice conversations

Your AI Agent and scripted bot can now have conversations in non-English languages, including:

  • Dutch
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Spanish
  • Swedish

Additionally, you can now configure region-specific dialects for the following languages:

  • French
    • Canada
    • France
  • English
    • Australia
    • Canada
    • United States
    • United Kingdom
  • Spanish
    • Spain
    • United States

Choosing the dialect that your callers are most likely to use will help your AI Agent or bot more accurately transcribe their speech. You can also choose a speaking voice that matches the dialect of the region where you’re receiving calls.

For more information on multilingual voice, see:

CSAT survey improvements

In all generative AI Agents and scripted bots, you can now configure two new settings in your CSAT surveys:

  • Optional 10-point numeric scale: You can now configure surveys about both AI Agents and human agents to be on a 10-point scale, in addition to the existing 5-point and binary scales.

  • Non-Ada Glass handoff logic: Previously, when customers got handed off using a handoff method that didn't use an Ada Glass integration, bots would assume the conversation was ended and show customers a CSAT survey.

    We've improved the logic in this scenario, so customers will no longer see a survey before the end of their conversation.

Additionally, after releasing some CSAT survey improvements to generative AI Agents earlier this month, we're happy to release those same updates to scripted bots too.

Set variables for testing

We have released test scenarios, which you can use to validate that your AI Agent is providing the correct content to your different audiences (e.g., to provide different greetings to customers based on their region). You can set variable values in the test chat, and chat with your AI Agent as if you were a user with those variables set.