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Manage customer experience using Ada Glass for Salesforce


With Ada Glass for Salesforce, you can provide your customers with a frictionless experience that instantly hands them off from your AI Agent to a live agent, without any steps in between. The customer will begin their conversation with the AI Agent, and if required, live agents will be invited to join the chat to support the customer - all within the same interface.

This article has been designed to outline the experience on the Salesforce side of things once you have configured Ada Glass with your Salesforce environment. Refer to Configure Ada Glass for Salesforce for help setting up your Ada Glass for Salesforce integration.


The number of handoff platforms your organization can use varies depending on your subscription package. For more information, see Ada's Pricing page, or contact your Ada team.

Salesforce Chat block

The Salesforce Chat block connects your AI Agent to your Salesforce CRM instance. This lets your AI Agent seamlessly connect your customer with your live support agents without leaving the chat window. Drag and drop the Salesforce Chat block into the handoff dialog flow to complete the handoff process from your AI Agent to your human agent.

This section will guide you through the various components of the block.

Chat Button ID

During the configuration of Ada Glass for Salesforce, you created a chat button ID. For some integrations one chat button ID is enough, but for complex Salesforce routing, you may want to create multiple chat button IDs to ensure that customers are routed to the correct live agents based on language, skill set, Ada conditionals, etc. It is the chat button ID within the Salesforce Block that calls to the appropriate group of live agents to see if an agent is available to accept a new chat. Ensure when using your Salesforce Blocks that you are inputting the chat button ID that maps to the correct Salesforce live agent queue.

Off Hours dialog

In the Off Hours dialog, build what you would like the AI Agent to provide if there are no live agents available to chat (ie. there are no agents online or the queue is at its maximum capacity). Commonly, this is used to make an email support ticket on behalf of the customer.

Create Contact and Create Case

Every time a customer is handed off from the AI Agent to a live agent using a Salesforce Block, a Salesforce live chat transcript object is created. Should you wish to also have a Salesforce contact and/or case created or mapped, this can be achieved by selecting these boxes within the advanced settings of the Salesforce Block.

  • If you select Create Contact, the live agent transcript object will be linked to a Salesforce contact. If the AI Agent has collected the customer's name and email address and they match with an existing Salesforce contact, the live agent transcript object will map to the existing Salesforce contact. If a Salesforce contact does not already exist for the name and email address, a new Salesforce contact will be created and the live agent transcript object will map to it.

  • If you select Create Case, a new Salesforce case will be created every time a chat is passed from the AI Agent to a live agent and the live agent transcript object will be linked to it.

  • If both Create Case and Create Contact are selected then the three, Salesforce case, contact, and live agent transcript object, will all be linked.

Live Chat Transcript Fields

If your AI Agent has been capturing variables, you can map these to any of the default custom fields of the standard live chat transcript object in Salesforce when the customer is handed off from the AI Agent to the live agent. This ensures that your live agent has all of the relevant information they need to seamlessly take over the chat from the AI Agent. In the Field Name section, type the name of the default custom field of the standard live chat transcript object in Salesforce that you would like the corresponding variable mapped. Click into the Choose Variable field to select, from your existing variables, the variable you would like to map to your previously defined Salesforce field.

Customer Experience

When the Salesforce Chat block triggers during a handoff flow, and your agents are online, customers are placed in the queue for a live agent. Within their chat window they will be provided with a banner indicating their queue position and will no longer have the ability to chat with the AI Agent.

When the chat is assigned to an available agent, the agent's name is provided to the customer to identify who they are chatting with. The customer will continue the conversation with the live agent in the same chat window that they were corresponding with the AI Agent in, resulting in a seamless experience for the customer. Please note that currently the customer will be unable to end the chat with the live agent, and the live agent will have to do this.

Agent Experience

When the customer reaches the point in the dialog where there's a Salesforce Block, Ada will check Salesforce to see if there is an appropriate agent online, adhering to the Salesforce settings for skills, queues, multiple chat, etc. Depending on the Salesforce settings, the live agent will either automatically or manually accept the chat conversation and take over the conversation from the AI Agent.

As discussed earlier, with every handoff from the AI Agent a new live chat transcript object will be created in Salesforce. This is where the agent takes over the chat conversation. Within the same window, the agent will see the chat transcript between the customer and the AI Agent, as well as continue the conversation with the customer where the AI Agent left off. As a reminder, what is handed over from the AI Agent to the live agent is limited to the transcript up to the point when the customer transferred to the live agent queue. If the customer continued chatting with the AI Agent after joining the live agent queue, this portion of the chat history will not be transferred to the live agent. Further, please note that the live agent will not be able to see what the customer is typing before they send the message. They will see that they are typing, but not what they are typing.

If Create Case was toggled on within the advanced settings of the Salesforce Block, a case will be created in addition to the live chat transcript object. All of the customer data that the AI Agent knows, including, but not limited to metadata and local, global, and header variables, will be deposited in the description field of the case.