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Create structured responses with Processes

Having your AI Agent generate its own responses to your customers is a great way of supporting customers with minimum effort, but for some customer issues, you need your AI Agent to respond with very precise language (e.g., questions about compliance).

With Processes, you can provide your AI Agent with the exact response content to use in these situations. Every time your AI Agent uses a Process, it always delivers precisely the same content. You can create up to five active Processes for your AI Agent to follow.

Build a Process

  1. On the Ada dashboard, go to Training > Processes.

    • To create a new Process, click New Process. A page to build your new Process on opens.
    • To create a Process using an existing Process as a template, open the Process you want to duplicate. Then, at the top of the page, click the More options button , then click Duplicate Process. Your duplicated Process opens, which you can then edit as required.
  2. Under Identify this Process, enter a Name and a Description.

    Both the name and description help the AI Agent understand when to trigger the Process. For the description, write it as if you're explaining to a human agent when to use this script.

  3. If required, you can restrict Processes to certain users, based on information your AI Agent collects about your users and saves in variables.


    You can only use variables your AI Agent can collect through your browser, or that you collect in a block and allow to be available outside of the structured content the block is in. You can't use variables your AI Agent collects using Actions.

    Under Set availability, choose which customers you want the Process to apply to.

    • To make the Process available to all users, select Everyone.

    • To restrict the Process to certain users, select Based on the following rules. A section expands where you can enter the logic your AI Agent will use to decide whether to serve the Process.

      1. Beside Where, in the Choose a variable list, select a variable.
      2. In the next dropdown, select an operator so you can define a relationship between the variable and the value you want to target.

        Understand comparison operators

        Comparison operators are logic statements that tell your AI Agent to match customer information that’s captured in the variable you’re using. The available operators vary based on the variable type you’re using:

        OperatorVariable typesDescription

        Begins With

        • All text variables (including phone and email)

        Match information in the variable that begins with certain text (partial match).

        Ends With

        • All text variables (including phone and email)

        Match information in the variable that ends with certain text (partial match).


        • All text variables (including phone and email)

        • List variables

        Match information in the variable that contains certain text in any position (partial match).


        • All text variables (including phone and email)

        • Number variables

        Match information in the variable that equals specific text exactly (exact match).

        Is Not

        • All text variables (including phone and email)

        • Number variables

        Match information in the variable that does not equal specific text exactly (exact match).

        Is Not Set

        • All text variables (including phone and email)

        • Number variables

        • List variables

        Match if there is no information contained in the variable.

        Is Set

        • All text variables (including phone and email)

        • Number variables

        • List variables

        Match if there is any information contained in the variable.

        Greater Than

        • Number variables

        Match if the information in the variable is greater than a specific value.

        Less Than

        • Number variables

        • List variables

        Match if the information in the variable is less than a specific value.

        Is True

        • Yes/No variables

        Match if the information in a variable is Yes (or True).

        Is False

        • Yes/No variables

        Match if the information in a variable is No (or False).

        Does Not Contain

        • List variables

        Match if none of the selected items contains this value.

        Is Equal To

        • List variables

        Match if the customer selected a particular number of options in a List Option block.

        Is Greater Than

        • List variables

        Match if the customer selected more than a particular number of options in a List Option block.

        Is Less Than

        • List variables

        Match if the customer selected fewer than a particular number of options in a List Option block.

      3. In the Value field, enter or select a value for the variable that you want to use to target users.

      4. If required, add additional conditions.

        • By default, if you click the Add icon , new conditions will be added with "or" statements, meaning customers will see the Process if they fulfil any of your criteria.
        • You can click And to add additional conditions that must all be satisfied for your AI Agent to serve the Process.
  4. Under Build the Process, construct the response for your AI Agent to deliver, using Text or Link blocks.

    Text block

    The Text block delivers simple text messages to your customers. Each Text block appears as a single chat bubble, and can contain up to 320 characters.

    You can add emojis and line breaks to give your Text blocks some personality and formatting 😎

    Use AI to improve your text content

    Any time you serve up content using the Text block, no matter which of Ada's supported languages you're writing in, you have the option to polish it with AI. You can click the Improve button to automatically run your content through GPT and replace it with a rephrased version with improved tone. Even after improving your content automatically, you can always go back and edit it yourself until you're happy with it.

    Add variations to your text content

    You can also use the Text block to create variations of the same message so you can keep your content fresh. Your AI Agent will randomly select a variation to send to your customer, and you can either write your own variations or generate them with AI.

    We recommend using variations with content that is likely to show up repeatedly in a single conversation. For example, adding different versions of "hi" or "hello" in the Greeting will give your AI Agent more personality and prevent the conversation from feeling robotic.

    If your shuffled message contains essential information, make sure that information is in every variation — otherwise, only random customers will get the important message!

    Use AI to create message variations

    To start creating content variations for your AI Agent to shuffle between, start typing a message into your block. If you want, you can use the Improve button to refine your initial message.

    Then, you can use the Create variations button to use GPT to rephrase your content into 3-5 variations for your AI Agent to randomly serve to customers - in any of Ada's supported languages. All of these automatically generated variations are editable and removable, so you can further refine the variations you get from the AI. You can also click Add manually to write additional variations yourself.

  5. To save your new Process as a draft, click Save. If you save it as a draft, it won't affect your AI Agent content until you publish it.

  6. Optionally, you can test your Process, either by clicking Test process to test it in isolation, or by clicking Test AI Agent to also test whether it gets triggered when you want it to.

  7. To publish your Process, beside the Inactive toggle at the top of the page, click the toggle so it says Active. As soon as you do, your AI Agent starts using your new Process with customers.

Edit or delete a Process

After you or a colleague create a Process, you can go back to it so you can edit or delete it.

  1. On the Ada dashboard, go to Training > Processes, then open the Process you want to delete.
  2. Make your required changes to the Process.
    • You can edit the existing Process and then click Save to update it and keep it active.
    • You can turn the Active toggle at the top of the page on or off to control whether the Process is accessible to customers.
    • You can delete the Process by clicking the More options button at the top of the page, then clicking Delete Process.

View and manage previous versions of a Process

Your AI Agent saves a history of all edits you've made to your Processes over the last 30 days. You can revert your changes to a Process back to any of these saved versions.

  1. On the Ada dashboard, go to Training > Processes, then open the Process you want to manage versions for.
  2. At the top of the page, beside the version icon , you can see when the Process was last edited. Click the icon or the text to open a pane that contains a list of versions of the Process over the last 30 days. You can click a version to see the Process at that time.
  3. Optionally, for significant versions, you can add a name and description for future edits. To do this, hover over the version, click the More options button that appears, filling in the Version Title and Description fields as required, then clicking Save.
  4. To revert to a previous version of your Process, select the version you want to go back to. Then, at the top of the page, click Restore Version. Review your changes to ensure you're not reverting anything you want to keep, then click Save to save your reverted changes.