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Customize emails

Ready to make your emails match the rest of your company's branding? You can customize your emails so they look just right in your customers' inboxes.

Change the sender's name

By default, the sender's name is your organization's name that you set in your AI Agent persona settings. If you would prefer the sender's name to be something else, you can customize that here.

  1. On the Ada dashboard, go to Channels > Email, then click the Appearance tab.
  2. Under Sender Name, enter your preferred sender name.
  3. Click Save.

Customize your emails' appearance

You can customize the header and footer of your email - the sections above and below the email body - so they fit in with your company's branding.

  1. On the Ada dashboard, go to Channels > Email, then click the Appearance tab.
  2. Under Header, modify your header settings as required.
    1. Under Image, upload a .png, .jpg, or .gif image to include at the top of your email. If the image is wider than 700px, a scaled down version will appear in your emails.
    2. Under Horizontal Alignment, select Left, Center, or Right, to determine the image's alignment.
  3. Under Footer, modify your footer settings as required.
    1. If you have multiple languages enabled in your AI Agent, select a language from the dropdown to create footer content for.
    2. In the text box, modify the content you want to appear in the footer.
  4. Click Save.