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Understand the settings customers can control

When customers are interacting with your AI Agent, they can click the Settings icon to customize their chat experience. Use this topic to understand which settings customers can change, and how you can manage your AI Agent's default behavior.

Turn sound on or off

By default, when customers get a message from your AI Agent, a sound plays. Customers have the option to turn the sounds on and off on their end, but in Channels > Chat > Appearance > General > Functionality, you can turn on the Enable sound by default toggle to change your AI Agent's default behavior.

Change language

If your AI Agent is set to support multiple languages, customers can click Change language and manually select one of those languages. If they don't select a language, the AI Agent tries to automatically detect the language they're using. For more information, see Support multiple languages in the same AI Agent.

If your AI Agent is only set to support one language, this option is unavailable.

Access chat transcripts

If you have enabled chat transcripts, this is the menu customers use to either email or download their transcripts. For more information, see Allow customers to access chat transcripts.

These options are only available if you allow customers to email or download their transcripts.