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Improve Answer training using chatter feedback


Reviews allow your bot to gather feedback from chatters and inform its training whenever it presents a reviewable Answer. To make an Answer reviewable, open the settings for any Answer and turn on the Reviewable toggle.

Note that this feedback is collected on a per-Answer basis, and is distinct from the Satisfaction Survey, which can only appear once per conversation.

There are two ways chatters can provide answer reviews:

Review by buttonReview by message

After your customers ask your bot a question, they can review how satisfied they were with the Answer they got with two little buttons at the bottom of the Answer.

Chatters can also review Answers with a message back to your bot. Saying something like "That helped" or "Thank you" can trigger the Positive Review Answer, just like when chatters click the thumbs up button.

Turn automatic responses to chatter reviews on or off

After chatters provide reviews, either by button or by message, your bot can respond with the Positive Review or Negative Review locked Answers. You can turn these responses on or off, but be aware that if a customer is scrolling through their history and reviewing previous Answers, it could be annoying to see a response for every review they provided. We recommend following up only for negatively reviewed Answers.

On the Ada dashboard, go to Settings > Bot Setup > Answers. Under Answer Settings, use the toggles beside Respond to Thumbs Up and Respond to Thumbs Down to turn those responses on or off. You can also follow the links to each locked Answer to edit their content.

Effect of reviews on satisfaction

When an Answer is reviewed positively, it will increase its satisfaction in Analytics. When a bot's Answer is reviewed negatively, it will decrease the satisfaction. You can see the satisfaction for all your Answers in the Answer Performance report. This data can be used to inform which Answers need retraining or editing.


  • Reviews cannot be cast by buttons when the bot is waiting for an Answer to a capture.

  • Reviews cannot be cast by message when the Answer directly preceding it is not reviewable.

  • Reviews cannot be made on locked Answers because they don't benefit from satisfaction measurement.