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Customize your bot's personality in automatically generated content

When you started building your bot, you may have considered a persona for it: an idea of the kind of personality that you wanted to convey with your bot's content. That persona works great when you're writing your own bot content, but you can go even farther and make any automatically generated content also exude the same personality.

As part of your AI Agent's persona, if your AI Agent has Voice enabled, you can choose the speaking voice it uses. For information on how to do that, see Choose a speaking voice for your bot.

Choose your bot's personality

When your bot automatically generates content, like when it suggests variations to Shuffle block content, it can also apply an extra layer of personality to it. Choose the personality that best reflects your brand.

  1. On the Ada dashboard, go to Settings > Bot setup > Persona.

  2. Under Personality, choose one of the following options:

    • Friendly
    • Plainspoken
    • Playful
    • Sophisticated
  3. Click Save Changes. Your bot saves the personality you chose to use in automatically generated content.

Control your bot's emoji usage

You can choose which emoji your bot is allowed to use in its messages.

  1. On the Ada dashboard, go to Customization > Persona.

  2. Under Emoji usage, turn the Use emojis toggle on or off, depending on whether you want your bot to serve emoji to customers.

  3. If you set the Use emojis toggle to on, under Only use these emojis, you can enter the emoji you want it to use. If you put any emoji into this field, your bot will only use those emoji in generated messages.

    If you leave the field empty, your bot will use any emoji that seem to match the content it's generating.

Preview your bot's personality

In the speech bubble, you can type in a text sample, like a message from your bot, so you can see how your bot would rephrase it using the settings you chose.

After entering in your own content, you can click Generate Preview to rephrase it using your current settings at any time.