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Release notes

April 17, 2024

We have released test scenarios, which you can use to validate that your AI Agent is providing the correct content to your different audiences (e.g., to provide different greetings to customers based on their region). You can set variable values in the test chat, and chat with your AI Agent as if you were a user with those variables set.

April 8, 2024

We have added the ability to create article tags (e.g,. "merchants," "customers," "promotions," etc.) in the Knowledge API. Then, on your Ada dashboard, you'll be able to use those tags to filter the articles on the Knowledge page, and set customized availability rules for them.


Article tags are available for all integrations that use the Knowledge API. It isn’t yet available for the out-of-the-box Zendesk or Salesforce integrations.

April 5, 2024

We are introducing a set of customization features for the CSAT survey, including:

  • Trigger Customization: You can now configure the CSAT survey to trigger independently:
    • when customers close the chat window when conversing with the AI agent
    • when the conversation with a human agent has concluded
  • Question Customization: Tailor the CSAT, resolution, and additional comments questions according to your needs; including ability to define the question in each enabled language.
  • Question Ordering: Gain the flexibility to customize the order in which the questions appear, tailoring the survey flow to match your specific requirements.
  • Question Requirement Settings: Designate each question as Required or Optional, providing greater control over the survey experience.

For more details, visit our help docs on CSAT.

December 11-15, 2023

Bot managing experience

  • If you're transitioning from using one bot to another, you can now roll out your second bot progressively, specifying what percentage of customers you'd like to see each of your bots, or no bot at all. For more information, see Control how many users see your bot.

  • For generative bots, we have increased the maximum number of pieces of Guidance you can create per bot to 40. For more information, see Customize your bot's generative content with Guidance.

November 20-24, 2023

Bot managing experience

October 23-27, 2023

Bot managing experience

  • We've moved a few things around in the Conversations view:

    • In the Details panel, we've removed the tabs, so you can see resolution classification information and meta variable information in the same place.

    • We've moved the link to view other conversations from the same chatter into the top header, under the chatter's name.

    • If your bot is configured to show messages whenever a variable's value changes, you can now turn those messages off. For more information, see Show or hide variable change messages.

  • In bots that serve generative content from your knowledge base, in Actions, we've made it required to add a name for each API output. This was optional before, but we've determined that adding names allows the bot to integrate API data into responses more consistently. For more information, see Configure API calls in your generative bot with Actions.

October 16-20, 2023

Bot managing experience

September 25-29, 2023

Bot managing experience

  • In our ongoing efforts to ensure the highest quality and accuracy of your chatbot's responses, we've decided to deprecate the Auto-training feature. A few key factors influenced this decision:

    • Precision and Control: Auto-training, at times, added less relevant training questions to the Answers, which could impact the bot's response precision. We believe in providing clarity and direct control over the chatbot training process, ensuring richer interactions.

    • NLU Advancements: Our newly improved Natural Language Understanding (NLU) model now boosts accuracy in predicting declarative Answers by 5-8%, eliminating reliance on automatic training. The enhanced comprehension makes Ada's predictions even more accurate.

    What this change means:

    • Ada bots will no longer self-train based on chatters' thumbs-up feedback.

    • On the Ada dashboard, under Settings > Bot setup > Answers, we've removed the Auto-training section.

    For more information on how to effectively train your bot, see Training best practices.

  • For Voice bots, we've improved the experience around giving the bot more time to process things like API calls. We've removed the artificial typing sound, and replaced it with periodic messages like "one moment" to fill any silence. For more information, see Minimize pauses while your bot performs backend actions.

  • In bots that serve generative content from your knowledge base, we've introduced the ability to guide bots' behavior by creating custom instructions for it to follow. For more information, see Customize your AI Agent's generative content with Guidance.

September 18-22, 2023

Bot managing experience

September 4-8, 2023

Bot managing experience


  • To improve security, we've changed how we limit login attempts. Before, we limited login attempts to 5 attempts per minute per IP address, but have now changed the limit to 5 attempts per minute per email address.

  • We've removed the ability to upload profile pictures.

August 28 - September 1, 2023


  • After a handoff occurs through Zendesk Messaging, Zendesk Messaging tickets originating from your bot will now be tracked in Zendesk through the "messaging" channel source. We're making this change to better comply with Zendesk's new omnichannel routing and reporting capabilities that rely on the "messaging" channel source.

    This change takes effect once a chatter starts a new chat session. For bots that have long persistence settings, you or your agents may wish to tell chatters to clear their caches to display the updated channel source. For more information, see Configure and use Ada Glass for Zendesk Messaging.

August 21-25, 2023

Bot managing experience

  • In Voice bots, you can now add custom bot vocabulary, so your bot can more easily pick out terms that are specific to your brand or your industry. For more information, see Help your voice bot understand special terms.

July 10-14, 2023

Conversation experience

We've made several improvements to Ada Voice:

  • We've been working on reducing latency for blocks that perform backend actions (e.g., the HTTP Request, Set Variable, Answer Utilities, or Actions blocks). You can now strategically build Answer flows to significantly reduce pauses when these blocks appear and improve caller experiences. For more information, see Minimize pauses while your bot performs backend actions.

  • We've added a Play button to blocks that contain spoken content, so you can test your content directly in the dashboard.

  • In the menu where you can see an Answer's parent Answers, we've added an icon where you can easily see whether the parent Answer has live content for messaging, voice, or both.

  • When you're editing an Answer and click Test Answer, the testing window now opens to the same modality you were editing, depending on whether you were in the Messaging or Phone tab.

  • The Messaging and Phone tabs now stick to the top of your screen, so it's easier to keep track of which modality you're editing content for.

June 19-23, 2023

Bot managing experience

  • We've introduced Ada's new free plan, which you can use to create bots that run entirely on generative AI. These bots write their own replies using content from Zendesk Guide, with no additional bot building necessary.

  • In the Answer Utilities block, we've removed the 1024 character limit for the Render Templated Text action's output. Previously, if the output was too long, it would show 1021 characters followed by ... and would truncate the rest of the output.

Conversation experience

  • For Voice bots, we've reduced the time it takes for the bot to respond when it encounters Set Variable and HTTP Request blocks.


  • We've updated our Zendesk Messaging handoff to align with Zendesk's best practices for bot partners. While there are no changes to the builder or end user experience, please note that Zendesk Messaging tickets originating from your bot will now be tracked in Zendesk through a new channel source, "Sunshine Conversations API," instead of "messaging." Your Zendesk administrator may want to update your triggers and automations in Zendesk to leverage this new channel.

    You can read more about configuring Zendesk Messaging with Ada in our guide Configure and use Ada Glass for Zendesk Messaging.

May 22-26, 2023

Bot managing experience

  • We've updated the Fetch Chat Metadata block, so it now only saves the current conversation with a chatter. Previously, it saved every message from all conversations the chatter had with the bot, which resulted in handoffs containing very long transcripts and irrelevant content.

    This change primarily impacts channels where chatter IDs don't change between chatter interactions with an Ada bot, which includes third party channels (Facebook Messenger, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp), Voice, and bots that have their chatter persistence settings set to "Never Forget."

May 8-12, 2023

Conversation experience

  • We fixed a display bug that caused the text that chatters entered to overlap with the Send button and shift when the text wrapped to new lines.

May 1-5, 2023

Bot managing experience

  • Our bot invitation emails now have "Activate your Ada account" as the subject line instead of "Invitation," so they're easier to spot in your inbox.

  • We've refined the prompt we use for AI rephrasing to better filter out inappropriate content.


  • When you're uploading a custom icon to use for your bot avatar, you can now use .png, .jpg, or .gif files, in addition to .svg files.


  • You can now use Sunshine Conversations Web as a channel. If you're interested, contact your Ada team for assistance.


  • We fixed an issue with our Zendesk Live Chat handoff that was causing chatters to get stuck in a waiting state.

  • We fixed an issue where images that Zendesk Live Chat agents sent appeared as links to chatters.

April 24-27, 2023

Bot managing experience

  • For new bots, we've stopped creating default quick replies.

  • We fixed a bug affecting time conversions for some time zones.

April 17-21, 2023

Conversation experience

  • We fixed an issue where screen readers would read out entire URLs for widgets. Now, they read out a dedicated aria-label instead.

April 10-14, 2023

Bot managing experience


  • In the HTTP Request block, we've added the ability to copy test HTTP request responses to your clipboard. At the top of the response body, there's a new Copy icon .

  • We fixed a bug that caused all Quick Reply buttons to display Answer titles, even if those Answers had different Answer Labels. This bug was only present in the dashboard and not in chat.

  • We fixed a bug that prevented Quick Reply button text from showing translated Answer labels. This bug was only present in the dashboard and not in chat.

  • We fixed a bug that prevented dragging and dropping Answers to either reorder them or move them between folders.

Conversation experience

  • We've fixed an accessibility issue that prevented chatters using screen readers from easily focusing on the Cancel button to close iFrames containing custom web widgets.

March 27-31, 2023


  • We fixed a bug where Smart Search wasn't coming up for a client's Salesforce or Zendesk knowledge bases.

  • We fixed a bug where the dashboard would time out when updating folders for large bots.

  • We fixed a bug that was causing training groups to not display for some large bots.


  • We fixed a bug that allowed Ada to respond to new messages after an agent closed a ticket without having to see a passControl first.


  • Improve and Create Variations are now available across all languages. Use these GPT-powered features to rephrase your multilingual Answer content, and to provide variations, to improve the conversational tone of your Answers.

  • We have upgraded Improve and Create Variations to GPT-3.5-Turbo.

  • We have improved our knowledge base parsing system so it removes documents that have duplicate content.

  • Additionally, our knowledge base parsing system also includes URLs when indexing chunks.


  • We have improved our logging around Spot node availability/termination.

  • We have launched a new dev2-green EKS cluster, which now serves all traffic in our dev2 environment.

  • We have enabled Loft & DevSpace on our new green cluster.

March 20-24, 2023


  • When you drag a Builder Note into an Answer, the block now automatically opens in edit mode.

  • We fixed a bug that was preventing Quick Reply blocks from showing up when you searched for them.

  • If you have an Answer open in the dashboard and delete it, rather than staying in the deleted answer, you now go back to your Answers list.

  • We have added more information to the login page, so we can keep you posted with the latest Ada news.


  • We fixed a bug that caused some Answer training from the Improve tab to fail.