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Collect and analyze customer satisfaction data with Satisfaction Surveys

The Satisfaction Survey is designed to help you get better insight into what your customers are thinking and feeling about their automated support experience. By using this feature, you’ll be able to request feedback from customers at an appropriate time in the conversation.

When you turn on satisfaction surveys, the survey appears when customers close the chat, as long as they've sent at least one message, or if a human agent leaves the conversation.

Enable and configure satisfaction surveys

  1. On the Ada dashboard, go to Performance > CSAT setup.

  2. Click either the AI Agent chat or the Human Agent tabs. The settings for both surveys are the same, but you can configure different questions for both scenarios.

  3. Click the Enable AI Agent Survey or Enable Human Agent Survey toggle to turn the survey on that tab on or off.

  4. Beside Survey Questions, select one of the languages your AI Agent supports, so you can edit the survey questions for that language.

  5. Configure the questions you want to ask in the survey. The Satisfaction Rating Question is always required, but for other questions, you can choose to hide them, turn off the Required toggle to allow customers to skip them, or click and drag them into a different order.

    • Satisfaction Rating Question - Edit the wording your AI Agent uses to ask the customer about their experience, and choose a scale for customers to choose from.

      There are four ways you can set up customer satisfaction reviews, each with different scales for recording feedback:

      Rating typeNegative reviewPositive review
      Numeric (5-point scale)1, 2, or 34 or 5
      Numeric (10-point scale)1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 67, 8, 9, or 10
      Emoji (5-point scale)😠, 🙁, or 😐🙂 or 😍
      Thumbs up/down (binary)👎👍
    • Follow-Up Question - Edit the wording your AI Agent uses to get additional information about their rating, and allow customers to select from a list of reasons.

      The options they can select vary, depending on whether they provided a positive or negative rating:

      Possible positive reasons
      • Efficient chat
      • Helpful resolution
      • Knowledgeable support
      • Friendly tone
      • Easy to use
      • Bot was intelligent
      • Other
      Possible negative reasons
      • Took too long
      • Unhelpful resolution
      • Lack of expertise
      • Unfriendly tone
      • Technical issues
      • Bot didn't understand
      • Other
    • Resolution Question - Edit the wording your AI Agent uses to ask about whether it resolved customers' issues, to which they can respond either "Yes" or "No."

    • Additional Comments - Edit the wording your AI Agent uses to ask for additional feedback, and the placeholder hint copy where customers can type it in. Customers can type up to 320 characters.

  6. Click Save. Your AI Agent saves your survey settings.


There are two reports to help you interpret data from your Satisfaction Survey: Customer Satisfaction Score and Satisfaction Survey Results.

To view either of these reports, on your Ada dashboard, go to Performance > Reports > Customer Satisfaction Score or Satisfaction Survey Results.