Start conversations using basic proactive campaigns
Basic Proactive Campaigns transform your customer support from reactive to proactive. Solve issues before they become issues, creating an unparalleled customer experience. For key pages on your website, think about common questions, issues, or requests that your customers might have. Then create a Campaign to proactively address those questions, issues, or requests.
All Ada packages include Basic Proactive Campaigns as a feature; however, your Ada integration must meet certain requirements before you can use Basic Campaigns.
Embed2 – Your integration must use Ada’s Embed2 script. If you’re still using Embed1, Proactive Campaigns won’t work.
Proactive Campaigns supports bots deployed on the web and mobile web. Campaigns currently don’t support mobile applications.
Custom CSS styling of the Ada widget could affect the appearance of your Campaigns.
How Basic Proactive Campaigns work
The logic behind when to trigger a Basic Proactive Campaign is based on a URL and simple timing parameters.
If you want to use additional methods to start conversations with your chatters, as well as Campaign reporting functionality, see Start customizable interactions using advanced proactive campaigns.
The types of campaigns you can make vary based on the subscription package your organization has. For more information, see Ada's Pricing page, or contact your Ada team.
Create a new Campaign
How to setup a new Basic Proactive Campaign:
On the Ada dashboard, go to Build > Campaigns.
Click New Campaign. The Create a new Campaign dialog appears.
Add a Name and Description to the corresponding dialog fields.
Click Next. The dialog disappears to reveal your new Campaign’s configuration settings.
Configure a new Campaign
There are a few configuration options available for your Basic Proactive Campaign. Let’s look at how to set them up.
Campaign Triggers
Campaign Triggers define the parameters in which the Basic Proactive Campaign will be surfaced. The Campaign will be triggered on any of the URLs you provide. To add URLs to your Campaign Triggers:
Click + Add URL.
Select the appropriate URL matching option from the drop-down menu. To learn more about URL matching, please see the table here:
Option Definition Example Exactly Matches
This option will look for the exact match of your URL. Query parameters will not be part of the matching logic.
Specifying in the configuration will match to and
This option will match URLs that contain your specified string anywhere in the URL. Query parameters containing your values.
Specifying example in the configuration will match to and
Ends With
This option will match URLs ending with your specified string. Query parameters will be ignored for this option.
Specifying /checkout in the configuration will match to and
Regular Expression
This option gives you full control in specifying the matching URLs using the regular expression pattern matching language over the full URL, including query parameters.
will match any page that includes the string ‘product’ and any number of any length afterwards, as long as the number 9 never appears.Specifying
will match on all pages except for those ending with /promo or /pricing. -
Input the full URL or URL component.
Repeat for additional URLs where you want the Campaign to be triggered.
Click to select when the trigger will initiate,
When the page loads
After a delay (customizable in seconds or minutes)
Click to identify how long the Campaign is shown to customers,
Show indefinitely
Dismiss after a set time (customizable in seconds or minutes)
Campaign Content
Campaign Content is the messaging for your Campaign. There are two parts to Campaign messaging. First, craft a proactive message your web visitors see pop out from the chat button on your webpage. Interested visitors can click the message or the chat button to engage your bot. The bot then opens the conversation with your chosen follow up message. This message is a bot Answer that you can tailor specifically for this campaign.
Add the proactive message to the text field. This is what displays to your web visitors when the Campaign triggers.
Click the drop-down menu and select an Answer to display as the follow-up message. This is the custom greeting the bot opens the conversation with.
Embed code
You must include the Ada Embed Code on every webpage where you want to trigger this Campaign. Learn more about Ada Embed2.
Publish Campaign
If you want to continue making changes before publishing the Campaign, click Save For Later. If you are ready to launch the Campaign, click Publish.
Prioritize Campaigns
A webpage can only surface one Campaign at a time. It is possible, though, for a webpage to have two or more Campaigns assigned to it. In this case, rank your Campaigns based on priority. That way your website visitor only encounters the Campaign you want them to see.
To reprioritize your Campaigns:
Go to Build > Campaigns.
Click Prioritize.
In the Set Priority dialog, drag and drop your Campaigns to reorder their priority.
Click Save.
How prioritization works
Let’s say you have two Campaigns:
Campaign 1—Free Shipping. This is assigned to the base URL
. -
Campaign 2—10% Discount. This is assigned to the specific URL
As you can see, both Campaigns are valid for the specific URL
. But you want to make sure that, on that page, your
site visitors only ever see the 10% Discount Campaign. You do this by
moving the 10% Discount Campaign to position 1 in the priority list.
Now, any visitors to this specific URL are shown only the 10% Discount