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Customize the chat window

Customizing the chat window will ensure the chat experience feels personalized and polished.

You’ll need the latest version of the Embed script to brand your chat window. For more information, see Embed Ada on your website or app.

  1. Navigate to Chat Window settings

    To customize your chat window, go to Settings > Bot setup > Customization and open the Chat window drawer.

  2. Implement color and Quick Reply format

    Start with choosing a primary color by inserting your hex code. Select how your Quick Reply buttons will be displayed—either stacked or in a carousel format.

  3. Select live agent and bot avatars

    With the Ada Glass integration, you have the option to select separate avatars for your bot and for live agents..

    • For your bot, choose a letter, or upload a custom SVG, PNG, JPG, or GIF file.

    • To represent a live agent, choose to keep the default avatar, or upload a custom SVG.

  4. Add privacy documentation

    If you toggle privacy on, a link to privacy documentation will be displayed in the chat window. If you choose to activate this feature, add in your own link to privacy documentation.

  5. Click Save to implement your changes.